Pennsylvania’s New Rule on Right Turns at Red Lights: Everything You Need to Know

California’s New Rule on Right Turns at Red Lights: What Drivers Need to Know!

Pennsylvania’s New Rule on Right Turns at Red Lights: Everything You Need to Know

Pennsylvania has introduced a new traffic regulation regarding right turns at red lights, aiming to improve road safety and reduce accidents at intersections.

What’s the New Rule?
Under the new rule, drivers are required to come to a complete stop and wait for a “No Turn on Red” sign to be removed before proceeding.

This measure primarily affects intersections with high pedestrian traffic.

Why the Change?

Pennsylvania's New Rule on Right Turns at Red Lights: Everything You Need to Know

The state government implemented this change following a rise in accidents involving pedestrians at busy intersections. The goal is to give pedestrians a safer crossing environment.

Penalties for Violations
Drivers who fail to comply with the rule may face fines starting at $150 and potential points on their driving records.

Advice for Drivers
Motorists are encouraged to remain vigilant, watch for pedestrians, and strictly adhere to traffic signals.

Josh Wilets

Josh Wilets

Josh Wilets is a news reporter on Morris Sussex Sports. He covers tech, gaming and weather news. He is a New Jersey Native and has 3 years of experience in journalism. When he's not reporting, he enjoys exploring local sports events and diving into the latest gaming adventures.

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