Cherry Hill Woman Delivers Grandson in Car Just Hours After Losing Her Mom

Cherry Hill Woman Delivers Grandson in Car Just Hours After Losing Her Mom

In an emotional and unforgettable turn of events, a Cherry Hill woman found herself delivering her own grandchild in a car just hours after losing her mother. What started as a routine day quickly became a life-changing moment for this New Jersey family.

A Surprise Arrival

Baby Noah, weighing just 6.5 lbs, arrived nearly two weeks early, catching his family completely off guard. His mother, Alysa West, was having lunch at her mother’s home in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, on February 25 when she suddenly felt a contraction.

“I still can’t believe he’s here and everything happened the way it did, but I’m just very thankful,” Alysa said.

Rushing to the car with her mother, Elissa Danielle West, they hoped to make it to Cooper Hospital in Camden. However, as they drove down the street, Alysa’s water broke, signaling that there was no time to spare.

A Mother’s Quick Thinking

Realizing they wouldn’t make it to the hospital, Elissa quickly pulled into a lot at the corner of Route 70 and Kingston Drive. With no medical personnel on hand, she had to step up and take charge of the situation.

“I jumped out of the car. 911 asked, ‘Do you see anything?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I can see the head.’ Within seconds, the top of the baby’s head popped out. A couple of seconds later, I just said, ‘Give me a little push,’ and out he came. I caught him,” Elissa recalled, laughing as she called herself the “MVP” of the moment.

For Alysa, the experience was overwhelming but also eye-opening. “You don’t think you can handle something like that, but when you’re in the situation and you have to, you’d be surprised what you can do.”

Paramedics Praise Elissa’s Actions

Shortly after the birth, paramedics from Virtua Health and Cherry Hill arrived on the scene to assist.

“Most paramedics have delivered a baby or two in their careers, often in unusual places and situations. In this case, the baby had arrived minutes before we reached the scene and was in good health. I applaud Danielle for her quick thinking and composure. It’s a remarkable story with a happy outcome,” said Ryan Kelly, one of the Virtua Health paramedics.

Elissa expressed deep gratitude for the first responders. “It almost brings me to tears because they were just so good to us.”

A Bittersweet Day

Cherry Hill Woman Delivers Grandson in Car Just Hours After Losing Her Mom

While Noah’s birth was a joyous event, the West family was also dealing with a heartbreaking loss. That same morning, Elissa had received the devastating news that her own mother, Elissa Marie Minessale, had passed away after battling leukemia.

“It was very sad about my mother, but I think that this baby was sent as a distraction because he certainly distracted all of us from our day. He’s beautiful,” Elissa said.

Alysa chose the name Noah because of its meaning—comfort. When he came out, he was just so calm, and he really was that comfort and calming that we needed as a family, and we could heal.”

A Family’s Journey of Grief and Gratitude

As they prepare for Noah’s homecoming, the family is embracing the dual emotions of loss and love.

“My mother loved holding babies, and unfortunately she won’t get to hold this one, but she’s there,” Elissa shared.

Alysa echoed her mother’s sentiments, believing that her grandmother is watching over them. “She would be elated, and I know she’s looking down right now just so excited for me.”

Baby Noah and his mother are expected to go home on Saturday. Meanwhile, the family is still planning the funeral for Elissa Marie Minessale, which will take place on March 8—the same day Noah was originally due to be born.


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Joe Hofmann

Joe Hofmann

Joe Hofmann is a dedicated news reporter at Morris Sussex Sports. He exclusively covers sports and weather news and has a vast experience of 6 years as a news reporter. In free time, he can be found at local libraries.

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